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Three Choices Roles Of Punishment 

Three choices roles David’s order to count the people made God angry, and he punished Israel. David prayed, “I am your servant. But what I did was stupid and terribly wrong. Please forgive me.” The Lord said to Gad, one of David’s prophets, “Tell David that I will punish him in one of three ways. But he will have to choose which one it will be. 

”Gad went to David and told him: You must choose how the Lord will punish you: Will there be three years when the land won’t grow enough food for its people? Or will your enemies constantly defeat you for three months? Or will the Lord send a horrible disease to strike your land for three days? Think about it and decide, because I have to give your answer to God who sent me. Three choices roles.

David was miserable and said, “It’s a terrible choice to make! But the Lord is kind, and I’d rather have him punish me than for anyone else to do it.” So the Lord sent a horrible disease on Israel, and seventy thousand Israelites died. 1 Chronicles 21:7-14

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The Bible How It Reflect The World View

  All Scriptures are from the Contemporary English Version 

 Creation   Chosen King  Fall   Conflicting