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Creator Accomplishment Roles 

Creator accomplishment roles God named the dry ground “Land,” and he named the water “Ocean.” God looked at what he had done and saw that it was good. Genesis 1:10 The earth produced all kinds of vegetation. God looked at what he had done, and it was good. Genesis 1:12 to rule day and night, and to separate light from darkness. God looked at what he had done, and it was good. Genesis 1:18 So God made the giant sea monsters and all the living creatures that swim in the ocean. He also made every kind of bird. God looked at what he had done, and it was good. Genesis 1:21 God made every one of them. 

Creator accomplishment roles Then he looked at what he had done, and it was good. Genesis 1:25 God looked at what he had done. All of it was very good! Evening came and then morning—that was the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 Wonders performed by God’s power The Lord said: I promise to perform miracles for you that have never been seen anywhere on earth. Neighboring nations will stand in fear and know that I was the one who did these marvelous things. Exodus 34:10 Wanting to share honors The men of the Ephraim tribe got together an army and went across the Jordan River to Zaphon to meet with Jephthah. 

They said, “Why did you go to war with the Ammonites without asking us to help? Just for that, we’re going to burn down your house with you inside!” “But I did ask for your help,” Jephthah answered.“ Creator accomplishment roles That was back when the people of Gilead and I were having trouble with the Ammonites, and you wouldn’t do a thing to help us. 

Creator accomplishment So when we realized you weren’t coming, we risked our lives and attacked the Ammonites. And the Lord let us defeat them. There’s no reason for you to come here today to attack me.” Judges 12:1-3 Work rewarded and I am very kind.” The Lord rewards each of us according to what we do. Psalm 62:12 Giving God glory The Lord has done this, and it is amazing to us. Psalm 118:23

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