Roles Food
offered to idols, On
Roles food Many things in heaven and on earth are called gods and lords, but none of them really are gods or lords. We have only one God, and he is the Father. He created everything, and we live for him. Jesus Christ is our only Lord.
Everything was made by him, and by him life was given to us. Not everyone knows these things. In fact, many people have grown up with the belief that idols have life in them.
Roles Food.
So when they eat meat offered to idols, they are bothered by a weak conscience. But food doesnt bring us any closer to God. We are no worse off if we dont eat, and we are no better off if we do. Dont cause problems for someone with a weak conscience, just because you have the right to
eat anything.
You know all this, and so it doesnt bother you to eat in the temple of an idol. But suppose a person with a weak conscience sees you and decides to eat food that has been offered to
Then what you know has destroyed someone Christ died for. When you sin by hurting a follower with a weak conscience, you sin against Christ. So if I hurt one of the Lords followers by what I eat, I will never eat. 1 Corinthians 8:5-13
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