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Roles Enjoying 
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 People, What Are The  

Roles enjoying James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, will you do us a favor?” Jesus asked them what they wanted, and they answered, “When you come into your glory, please let one of us sit at your right side and the other at your left.” Roles enjoying 

Jesus told them, “You don’t really know what you’re asking! Are you able to drink from the cup that I must soon drink from or be baptized as I must be baptized?” “Yes, we are!” James and John answered. Then Jesus replied, “You certainly will drink from the cup from which I must drink. And you will be baptized just as I must! But it isn’t for me to say who will sit at my right side and at my left. That is for God to decide.

”When the ten other disciples heard this, they were angry with James and John. But Jesus called the disciples together and said: You know that those foreigners who call themselves kings like to order their people around. And their great leaders have full power over the people they rule. But don’t act like them. If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all the others. Mark 10:35-43

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  All Scriptures are from the Contemporary English Version 

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